So today Prima announced their brand new team for 2013-2014! This is always an exciting time for me personally as we go through a vast number of entries and try to figure out who fits our vision for the upcoming year. It's one of the hardest things I have to do as part of my job. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of talented designers out there. And we only get to pick 20. (You feel my pain, right?) Eventually we narrow the field. And for extra fun we pick 12 guest designers. THESE people are super talented as well and I cannot wait to work with all of them!
So, are you ready to see the new team?
Can you believe the talent right here in this group? Yowza!
Presenting the 2013-2014 Prima Design Team!
Adrienne Ford-USA
What is your favorite Prima product ever?
is a tricky question!!!! I will answer by saying I have found that I
very much enjoy the flowers (no brainer) but what I REALLY love about
Prima is there are so many unqiue products on the market. One of them is
the Ingvild Bolme Resin and Shabby Chic Metal. FAVE! I really enjoy
how versatile these are on projects. They are so fun as you can leave
them as is and they are so shabby chic FAB! You can also add color to
them and see what you can come up with!
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
Hands. Down. Talk about beautiful! My husband and I were newly engaged
and I won a trip to Hawaii through a major women's magazine. Talk about
never say never! I surely don't anymore! We decided to go there for our
honeymoon. It was the most amazing trip of my life! The food, The water.
The most incredible beaches in the world! {{{Sigh}}} Everything was
just so perfect. We want to go back something terrible. I hope we can
get back there again, soon.
What is your
favorite Prima product ever?
I just LOVE all Prima masks...but my absolute favorite is the Hollyhock 12x12 stencil! I use that one a lot!
If you could go
on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
I woud love to go back to Las Vegas. I was there before I got married, but I would love to bring my husband there now.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is red.
What is your
favorite Prima product ever?
My latest favorite Prima product are the Metal Paper Clips...all of them. I want to clip one on every single thing I create.
What is your favorite Prima product ever?
My most favorite EVER? My, oh my- the Corinne flowers! I
honestly (just counted the other day) have almost 50 packages of
them stashed away and am almost too scared to use them because
they're so hard to find.
What's your favorite movie?
I have several "favorites" but I don't love any of them as
much as I love Oklahoma! I remember my sister (Kelly Foster) and
I watching, memorizing, and then acting out that movie when we
were kids! I still know every song by heart :)
What is your favorite Prima product ever?
Flowers, but, in particular the Encore and Interlude flowers and vines!!
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
Would love to take my family to Disneyland and Monkey Mia for the beach!
What music do you listen to when you scrap?
It depends on what kind of project I`m working on but mostly I`m
listening to Pink, GreenDay, The Rasmus or Latin Music.
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
There are a lot of beautiful places but there is one place I`d love to visit and that's the island of Bora Bora.
What is your favorite Prima product ever?
My favorite Prima product(s) ever - I added the "s" because I have two
favorites. First is the Garden Gate Mask #550042 and second is the
Madeline Collection. Recently I tracked down several sheets of that
collection so that I don't run out quite yet. It will be a sad scrappy
day when that last sheet is gone.
What is your favorite movie:
My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption.
What is your favorite color?
I love all pastel colors. My favorite color is white, but I also love vintage pink and aqua.
What is your favorite Prima Product ever?
I love many products from Prima.... they are so beautiful and very
useful it's very hard to just pick one. If I have to pick one I'd say
flowers. I am in love with all of the flowers and I use them
everywhere :)
Tell us your favorite thing about living in your country (compared to other countries)?
is beautiful in Poland is it's diversity. In such a small area we have
mountains, sea, lakes, beautiful rivers, and cities with amazing
monuments. The history wasn't kind for us, but as a nation we are always
together and know how to unite. We are very hospitable, love to party,
have a great sense of humor, and, the most important thing for us, are
families. Oh, and I heard we have the most beautiful women in the world.
Just saying :))
What's your favorite movie?
I love Kill
Bill. I adore each and every piece of this film, love the dialogues,
actors, soundtrack and intricate action scenes. I know it may be a
little too drastic for some of you but, as for me, it is just funny and I
can watch it a milion times.
What is one food you cannot eat?
I love food and tasting
new things, but there is one thing you will never see me eating-
seafood! From what I know we have amazing seafood in Turkey, but I
always skip this part of the menu:)
What is your favorite color?
love lime green, it's my favorite color and I always surround myself
with it. My favorite mug is green, the things around our home are green
and even the wall in the sitting room is this shade :)
What is your favorite Prima product ever?
Any and all of the Prima mini-rose stems. LOVE!
What is one food that you cannot eat?
Sushi! Yuck! Never!
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color
is Aqua, a light turquoise that looks exactly like the water on some
beautiful beaches. I just love that color so much when I use it on my
pages, when I wear it on my clothes, or when I actually get to swim in
the ocean.
What's your favorite Prima product ever?
a really hard question because I just love everything Prima. However,
if I just have to pick one type of product, it would have to be the
flowers and vines and, if I just have to pick one favorite of each, it
would have to be the Tatiana Flowers and the White Purity Vines. Oh
wait!!, I forgot the resins!! I do love all the Shabby Chic Resins!! I
can't live without them. Well, as you can see, I couldn't pick one
product after all!!
Tell us your favorite thing about living in your country (compared to
other countries)?
There are a lot of small things that make Brazil a
great place to live. I love its vibrant multi-culturalism; Brazilian
food, and music, but my favorite thing is the weather - always warm and
What music do you listen to when you scrap?
Sometimes I just need to create in silence to enjoy my theraphy while
paying attention to my inner thoughts and enjoying the creative
process. But, sometimes, I prefer listening to my favorite pop songs just
to create happily.

Tell us your favorite thing about living in your country.
I love living in Norway because we ARE the best country in the world! We have the greatest nature (not the best weather.) I love to hike in the forests and mountains with my family and dog.
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
I dream of going on a safari! Lions- I just love lions!
What is one food you cannot eat?
Oh my gosh, that would most definitely be Tripe; ['The first or second stomach of a cow or other ruminant used as food' --definition taken from Wikipedia.]
What is your favorite Prima producte ever?
Oooh, it would be a toss up between the birds from the Shabby Chic Treasures range and the single SIIC's!
What is your favorite Prima product ever?
It`s so difficult to choose only one ... but, masks and stamps because they give an endless possibilities during creating!
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
Definitely - Paris ! [it`s my big dream!]
Tell us your favorite thing about living in
your country (compared to other countries)?
I love living in France because it’s
a country with varied landscapes and many places to visit (like Paris and les
Champs Elysées !!)
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the
world where would you go?
Definitely the USA!
What is one food you cannot eat?
What music do you listen to when you scrap?
I usually watch soap operas when I scrap - my favorite one is "Friends".
Tell us your
favorite thing about living in your country.
I live in
Brazil. It is a beautiful and sunny country! It has wonderful beaches and lush
forests. It is known like a country for samba and football; and the people are
very kind and cheerful. I love my country!
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
I'd love to
go to Europe-maybe France, Italy, Spain... I am fascinated by the
architecture and arts of the old world.
Tell us your favorite thing about living in your country.
I am a Malaysian who currently based in Singapore. Both
countries are just 5 hours driving distance away with very similar
culture. I love staying in either Malaysia or Singapore because I enjoy
the great variety of local food. And food (and I don't mean fast food
chain) is available at all hours of the day. Overall, I would prefer
staying in Singapore simply because there are more local scrapbook
stores there and the scrapbooking supplies are cheaper than
Malaysia. Alright, I know it makes no sense to some of you, but
scrapbooking is part of my daily life. Being able to drop by at
scrapbooking stores is very much one of my ways of destressing.
What's your favorite color?
I love pastel colors and I have
been crazy incorporating these pastel color palettes into my scrapbooking
projects. If I am forced to narrow down my choice, my favourites would
be Pink and Mint.
Tell us your favorite thing about living in your country.
I love
visiting other countries and experiencing their cultures, foods,
peoples, but my heart is set on the good ole USA! (Every one should be
proud of where their roots are, right?) America's rich, but short,
history is filled with ordinary people who gave all they had for
freedoms that we enjoy now. I never want to forget what others
sacrificed for me. I see that individual ruggedness all across our
beautiful country. Everyone gets the chance to do their best. Anybody
can succeed here.
What's your favorite movie?
Pride & Prejudice,
hands down! It has romance, chivalry, gorgeous dresses, beautiful
scenery, divine British accents, and the one-and-only handsome Mr.
Of course we just had to add a few Guest Designers!
With so many AMAZING entries we could have picked so many more talented
people, and we (once again) struggled to narrow it down to just 12.
Here are our sweet list of guests (in no particular order) for the next
year! These designers have not been notified yet, so SURPRISE!!!!!!
2013-2014 Prima Guest Designers
Fran Westmoreland -UK
Camilla Ekman -Sweden
Joanne Bain -Australia
Rommel Okuma -Brazil
Tanya Batrak -Russia
Zeneva Kovic -Australia
Paula Castells -Germany
Zaneta Glowa -Sweden
Céline Régnier -France
Ann Christin Larsen -Norway
Ekaterina Ko (Kate) -Russia
Eila Sandberg -Sweden
This is
going to be an amazing year with our very diverse, very international
team! I look forward to working with each one of these talented designers so
much! I know they are going to WOW all of us with their creativity using
Prima products! ~Sharon